This person was swallowed by an avalanche, defeated by the rough waters and suffered in silence. The peace within her was weighed with a past of chaos and strife. But standing before her, I felt it in my bones; I was introduced to the most beautiful person in the world. The more I peered my curious gaze onto her, I realised better than ever, that beautiful people don't just happen overnight.
Did you know that titanium dental implants were discovered by accident? The same goes for penicillin, the life-saving antibiotic, and nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas—both were accidental discoveries. Occasionally in life, you stumble upon something by chance that completely transforms your life. Just accidentally, by chance.
Imagine meeting two different types of people. One talks only about surface-level topics: the weather, compliments, or the beauty of a sunset. The other dives solely into deep subjects: the meaning of life, the reasons behind our smiles, or the motivations for our actions. Now, here's the real treasure: someone who can discuss simple things with profound feelings and complex topics in a relatable way.
This person can talk about life as if it's a delicious ice cream cone—simple, enjoyable, and universally loved. Yet, they can also delve into the deeper meaning of ice cream—the joy it brings, the nostalgia it evokes, much like a child receiving their favourite treat. They can speak about chocolate with such passion and happiness that their eyes sparkle like a kid's. That's a rare find. That's the kind of person you want to hold onto!
When I met her, I wasn't looking for love. I was simply trying to understand different personalities and learn from them. But she turned out to be that person who could make the ordinary extraordinary and the complex accessible.
I met this girl After many small steps said and done. Silent and white she sat there and looked up at me with a slight glare. I looked at her and she saw me. Our eyes met and I felt a small glee. “I’m an introvert”, the very first thing she said, doesn’t open up easily. Surprisingly the talkative me kept silent on that goan fish curry and blood orange brule.
But there was one thing I realised that day,
Being complete opposites brought along a lot of surprises our way.
Though we fit in so perfectly well,
Opposites and similarities are after all- two pearls in the same shell.
Now I sit here in excitement with every passing day,
taking baby steps towards the journey coming our way.
Little girl, you think you know how much I care for you,
But open your eyes, it’s just the tip of the iceberg in the blue!
There are warm days when she amazes herself,
There are better days when she places her keys in the fridge!
She’s someone who doesn’t have to try.
She’s effortlessly pretty, her bedhead is more of a style.
She goes on long walks and movie dates, and eats whole desserts all alone,
She loves flowers and riding her bike in the countryside,
and many more dimensions that are unknown.
She was a surprise– the defining moment.
A collision of stars slammed into me hard to send my neat little life plummeting into the ocean. Her wishes are simple, as beautiful as she is, but I’m afraid she's lost, finding her way through this maze of life.
With brave dreams, a glowing aura, and a commitment to grow with time,
She is out there finding herself.
She can speak through her eyes, and leave you surprised.
A lifetime has passed since she was utterly lost, but it feels as though the recent past.
Perhaps it was only today, perhaps it was just the last moment that broke away.
Thinking of her, perhaps it was me who lost track of time,
love’s namesake, the one who is missing, lost somewhere in the maze.
In all the crowds I pass through, every day, her form touches me.
Perhaps everyone can see her, but not in the way I see.
I swirl ceaselessly in her imagery, visualising the lost girl even more vividly.
Her melancholy is slowly unfolding her scars, her battles that I want to be a part of.
The weight of this melancholy that she and I share,
It keeps pulling at her and sinks underneath.
I search for her even when I am next to her.
She is the honey in the flower, that requires time to gulp but the essence is mesmerising! She is the dream I haven’t even dreamt of! Do you get that?
She is someone who constantly thinks about her future; if she's not, she's travelling back in time to past experiences. Her heartbeat quickens, feeling like endless thoughts are racing through her mind. Right now, sitting in her bedroom and staring out of the window, she's pondering what the future holds for her while simultaneously pouring her heart out in writing.
Overthinkers need people who over-clarify. They often imagine the worst possible scenarios, causing them constant hurt and insecurity.
But someone who overthinks is someone who also overloves. It's not easy to understand an overthinker; it is not a cakewalk unless you become an over-clarifier. It's never their fault that they overthink, it's the experiences they have lived that make them consider every possible way. People always say, "Stop overthinking," but I wouldn't say that because I try to put myself in their shoes. An overthinker deserves a great communicator. With proper trust and communication, the intensity of their overthinking will diminish. She overthinks because she feels invisible among those who promised her love.
Their neediness isn’t simply neediness—it’s fear. I promise you, no one is more tired of their overactive mind than they are. They live with it every day and wish they could live life without the dozen hypotheticals invading each moment. But they can’t.
Although it is difficult to see, there is a sliver of beauty even in the act of overthinking. Those who are most afraid to hurt are also those who love the most. If you love an overthinker, you should appreciate that.
They are still learning to trust and let go of their fears because the person before you decided to walk away when love became challenging. They are fighting every day to win the biggest battle: the battle against their mind.
It was only a smile, nothing more. It didn't make everything all right. It didn't make anything all right. Just a smile. A tiny thing. But I'll take it with open arms. Because when spring comes, it melts the snow one flake at a time, and maybe I just witnessed the first flake melting.
She is beautiful. She is beautiful in the way she thinks, in the moments when her eyes sparkle when talking about something she loves passionately. She is beautiful in a way that makes people smile even when she's sad.
No, she isn’t beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She is beautiful deep down in her soul. And I’m grateful that no one else saw that before me. If someone had, I might never have had the chance to be with someone who had a soul as beautiful as hers.
If there’s one thing I’d love to tell her about my love and why I do what I do for her it’ll be this,
Her past does not prohibit her from the goodness that is trying to reach her. It does not make her ineligible, or undeserving of love, connection, or the things she desires. She can experience beauty, and nurture it within herself, and when she is ready to move towards it, it will meet her where she is. She’ll know that and she’ll have every right to hold it.
I hope she believes that she can still create a beautiful life for herself, even if she has lost many years to grief, darkness, or wounds that wouldn't heal. I understand what it's like to have this world introduce you to your own shadow, to let the ache linger long after you've healed, convincing you that you're not worthy or capable of finding peace within yourself.
Because at the end of the day, the most formidable thing about the right kind of love is that it doesn't just choose you for the light-filled, perfect parts of your world. It cracks you open, finds the rooms within your heart and mind that are padlocked and hard to touch, and holds you there. It understands you, sees you and doesn't run when the wound is scratched. It stands firmly in front of you, holding your face between its palms, and says, “It is okay to be who you are with me."
When you’re young you believe that there will be many people with whom you’ll connect deeply. But later in life, you realize that it only happens a few times.
A few moments, frozen in genuine beauty, where you look at someone and you know, from a place deep within yourself, that they are going to mean something to you, that they are rare.
When it comes to this kind of connection, it’s important to understand that energy cannot be created or destroyed. If there is depth, then it cannot be denied. It cannot slip through your fingers, and cannot be something you can escape due to fear of exposure or battle wounds. You can try to dismiss it, you can try to stay protected and hidden from its warmth,
but it always catches up to you eventually.
That is the beauty of discovering the things that stay, the things that fall into place. In a world of billions, in a world where we are all seeking connection but avoiding eye contact, there are remarkable points of impact where you manage to crash yourself into someone who ends up breaking through the exterior. Someone who makes contact with your heart and grows roots within it. Together, you beat the odds.
If you have found human beings like this, I hope you protect them. I hope you risk your heart for what you feel. I hope you believe that you are worthy of something full, pointed and real. I hope you never settle for less, because certain people are truly rare specks of borrowed light that find their way to you. You don’t feel alien to them. The otherness never arrives.
There isn’t a version of yourself that you have to shed to feel connected to them. They see you as you are. You are held there, chosen there. Love becomes a safe place to rest your head. There are no hiding spots. Everything is unguarded and unvarnished, and there is freedom in that kind of openness, in that kind of vulnerability. And here I try to do that every single day.
A fragrance emanated from somewhere. I wandered lost in its search. It was a beautiful epiphany of illusions. As I discovered to my astonishment. It was only when I came to her street, her path, that the truth dawned upon me. The fragrance was within me, and she introduced me to it.
She is a wanderer, a darer, brave and resilient, fighting against all odds, and battling on her own. She is like the pure water of heavy rainfall. Yet, when she comes closer to the real world, she risks getting stained.
To her,
Here’s what I wish to say;
“My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love is deep. The more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.”
When I looked into your eyes, it was like watching the night sky and a beautiful sunrise—all the depth they held, like those ancient stars that have travelled so far to be where they are now. I wondered, how old is your soul?
I don't want to be someone who walks away easily. I'm here to stay and make a difference in any way I can. When you need space to navigate, I'll be here patiently waiting to see what you discover. Because even stars burn and sometimes fall to earth, there's so much for us to learn, and I believe we're worth it. Our differences teach us how to use our unique gifts for each other. We've learned how to bend without breaking, and I've discovered who I am when I'm with you, and what I can be for you.
Well, I won't give up on her. Even if the skies get rough, I'm giving her all my love and I’ll still be looking up.